Cash Flow Loans That Protect Your Business

Get an injection of working capital to make essential payments.

  • No Credit Check Required

  • 30- Second Application Process

  • Borrow Up To £500k

Cash flow loans

Expect the Unexpected

Cash flow is a blanket term for the expenses that are necessary to smoothly run your business. Long story short, it’s invaluable. Unexpected costs can creep up on you like no tomorrow, whether it’s for equipment, bills, repairs, or recruitment. Cash flow loans exist to bridge the gap between payment and purchase, so you have the funding to keep your business booming in the good times and the quieter ones.

The Benefits

No Surprises

Manage unexpected costs far easier.

Pay Bills

Pay bills on time to keep your business moving.

No Delays

Get paid now instead of waiting on an invoice.

Save Collateral

Our loans don’t use assets as security.

Improve Credit

Repay the loan on time to advance credit.

Funds In 4 Hours

Funds transferred to your bank account in 4 hours.

Fuel Growth

Accelerate your business with capital to grow.

Avoid Uncertainty

Prepare for economic or industry changes.

What Can I Use a Cash Flow Loan for?

The loan can be used on any expense that helps the day-to-day operation of your business. Here are some examples:

Mechanic business

Why Is a Cash Flow Loan Useful?

Cash flow loans are enormously helpful if you need fast access to extra funds, with emphasis on the fast! Unexpected costs can occur, fluctuations in your sales can arise, and the economy continues to be a rocking boat of uncertainty. Crispcap’s cash flow loans are a lifeline to companies that want to keep their workflow moving in an ever-changing business landscape. Let’s ride the waves together.

Our Process

1. Get in touch to confirm your requirements.

2. You send through some basic financial information.

3. We get your application approved by one of our lenders.

4. Paperwork (usually e-sign) is signed and the funds are released to you

Speed Is Our Middle Name

We are dedicated to supporting business owners that need working capital to keep their operation moving and reach their potential. We’ve seen the highs and lows of the finance industry for 10 years and honed a process that gets you funded merely 4 hours after our initial chat. We know the value of cash flow so we don’t dawdle.

Mechanic business

Have Questions? No Problem

What is a cash flow loan?

A cash flow loan is a form of an unsecured business loan that can be used to inject working capital into your business. The money can be used for any purpose to keep your company thriving.

Is a cash flow loan secured?

Nope. They are unsecured loans, so they require a personal guarantee instead of assets as security. This means we can get the funds to you faster and your treasures are kept safe.

How does the loan work?

Simply get in touch with us here. After that, we’ll ask for your last 3 months bank statements and full filed accounts. Then we get your requirement approved by a lender, and the money is in your account in 4 hours.

Do I need good credit to get a loan?

A strong credit history can help, but it’s not the highest priority. We look at other factors such as your business’s history and turnover. After that, we look at what cash flow finance can be raised for you.

What is the interest rate on the loan?

Interest will depend on a few factors including the length of the loan, your business’s health, and credit score. The easiest way to get a quote is to contact us directly.

What can I use a cash flow loan for?

Anything business-related! In the past, our customers have used the funds for unexpected bills, staff wages, equipment, and marketing to name a few.

You’re only a click away.
  • No Credit Check.

  • Loan Amounts Up To £500k.

  • Business Loans UK-wide.